- Administration of Cauldron has the right to shut down the server at any time for updates or maintenance.
- You are responsible for your account, If you loosing your account data it will not get restored. We do not ask you for your personal account credentials.
- Political expressions of opinion are not permitted here. Everyone can keep their political opinions to themselves.
- Publishing personal information about other players is prohibited.
- Donating is not nessecary.
- The use of all external applications " cheat programs " is prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.
- Insulting other players is prohibited and, if repeated, will result in exclusion from the for several days or weeks.
- Taking advantage of errors in the game is prohibited and repeated repetition will result in a ban of several days or weeks. Errors in the game should be reported in the relevant bugtracker.
- Vulgar language or any kind of political statements are not allowed.
- Ninja looting is forbidden on Shattrath. Punishment will be decided on a case by case basis.
- Multiaccounts on one IP is allowed on Shattrath.